But back to that USB dongle: It's just that, a tiny Bluetooth adapter (the Plantronics BT600) that instantly connects Windows PCs and Macs to the BackBeat Pro+. What's weird is when I open that it show another version of my headphones, with the words Stereo instead of Mono associated with them, but I can't select them.Īny help is greatly appreciated. I've spent the past couple hours reading every blog, message board, and youtube video I can find but nothing has worked.Ĭan anyone help? Updates are current and it's currently set as my Default Device. After finally figuring out just how to get sound through them, it has them stuck in Mono, the sound quality is horrific (like listening to the local radio station but two towns over), and I for the life of me haven't been able to fix it. The desktop has built in Bluetooth capabilities, so I went ahead and connected my Plantronics Backbeat Pros to the machine. To whom it may concern - I just got a Acer ATC-705-UC52 and I ran updates and installed Windows 10. Scholarly Search Engine Find information about academic papers by.